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Happy Customer = Time To Testify!

Or, How To Approach Your Customers For Testimonial Review Videos...

92% of customers view online reviews before buying (Big Commerce)

Increasing sales is an obvious goal for every business. What’s not always so obvious is your best sales rep might not even be actually working for you. Those happy, loyal customers of yours have the potential to deliver the most convincing sales pitch to as many new customers as you can get them in front of.

Look, it’s harder than ever before to gain the trust of new customers, especially if you are a new business just starting out. You can spend a small fortune on marketing your new business but if you don`t have the trust of the customer it just not money well spent.

Sooo – how to earn their trust?

Well here’s a statistic to think about - 79% of shoppers trust online video reviews as much as personal recommendations. They are the online version of word of mouth advertising. Now that is some of the best advertising you can get for your business, period! If you have happy customers you need to capitalize on it.

Sooo how do you get that happy customer to give a video testimonial?

Have more tips to add? Please leave them in the comments sections.


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