Happy Customer = Time To Testify!Or, How To Approach Your Customers For Testimonial Review Videos... 92% of customers view online reviews before buying (Big Commerce)...
Why You Have To Be So Negative?Online or off, when someone talks in a positive manner about your business it’s a wonderful thing. But what about those negative reviews?...
Does My Company Need A Brand Video?That`s a good question – lets counter that and throw this question back at you – do you feel your company is capturing an acceptable...
SO WHO MAKES YOUR VIDEO?So, you have verified the value of video in your marketing campaigns. Now, how to get them done…? What are your options? How much should...
So Why Video?In a past article we determined that….. If you build it, they will come…..the reviews, both good and bad. But, as stated in that article...
How Much Do Reviews Really Affect My Business?Ok so you have a website promoting your products and services and you’re starting to see some results from being online. This is great...